NKT Cells and CD1d

Patricia Barral, Cancer Research UK
ProImmune CD1d Tetramers Provide Novel Insights Into NKT Cell Activation
Stefan Porubsky, DKFZ
The Significance of Isoglobotrihexosylceramide (iGb3) as the Natural CD1d Ligand in Mice
Maya Fedeli, H San Raffaele Scientific Institute
NKT Cell Differentiation Depends on Dicer Processing of MicroRNA

NKT cells

Thierry Mallevaey, INSERM
NKT Cells are Important in the Acquired Immune Response During Helminthiasis

Omar Duramad, Regimmune
ProImmune’s Human CD1d Tetramer Detects NKT Cells from Non-human Primates

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